Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bad Bad Blogger!

Due to travel and IT issues I have not posted in over 2 weeks! Shame on me.

Double shame on me for not having more to report. I have finished one tiny baby sock (it has been Kitchenered closed since this photo):

And one me-sized Madelinetosh sock in this gorgeous blue and funky waterfall rib pattern:

And have noticed a mistake in the baby blanket I am making for my assistant. There is a garter stitch border that you knit at the same time as the pattern and in 2 places I somehow have stockinette. I noticed it out of the corner of my eye when I wasn't even working on it. I was only about 1/5th of the way through and I wasn't totally in love with the yarn for a baby gift... but, I did not frog it! I am going to finish the one I have on the needles at a later date for myself. It is very pretty and I won't care about the little mistake.

I ordered new yarn for Katy's version and hope to cast on again this weekend. I will need to knit like a mad woman though as I only have 2 months... (in a side note, I sent her a gift from her registry, so I really have more time if I need it and can send the blanket along after the baby arrives).

Luckily no trips in March, so I hope to get a lot of knitting done!

1 comment:

3goodrats said...

That baby sock is way cute! Your Madelinetosh one is very pretty, too.