Tuesday, March 23, 2010

In a Rut

Not unlike the rest of my life, my knitting has taken a turn for the hopeless. I am spinning my wheels on a number of seemingly-endless projects and none of them are making me happy at all.

The bad part is that all of them are intended as gifts for others and the idea of frogging them all is nauseating.

So, what to do? Suffer through and hope I will be filled with a sense of perseverance and accomplishment? Procrastinate until it is too late and I can give up? Start a new and exciting project to jump start my enthusiasm?

I could apply these same questions to nearly every aspect of my life right now. Wish I had some answers.


Amy said...

Totally understand where you are right now, with knitting AND with life!!!!

My solution has been to try to plan some inspiring things. A SMALL new project might be just what you need. Something with lovely yarn and an easy pattern and something to make you feel productive again!

3goodrats said...

I'd recommend picking one project and making a major push on it. Get a great movie (or tv show) to watch and just spend an evening doing nothing but making progress on that one project. Maybe having some visible results will spur you on!