Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It Looks Like Something!

Look at that, it looks like the top/front of a dress! I had a major moment of pride Monday night when I figured out the instructions for the shoulder straps, I had never done anything like that and I was so confused at first by the instruction to join a 2nd ball of yarn, but then I stopped and thought about it and it made sense.

The straps look kind of skinny, partly because they are curling in a little and because they get edging that will be added later.

So now on to the back. The shoulders are joined with a 3 needle bind off, which I have never done before, so I will get to learn something else new!


Amy said...

3 needle bind off is super easy! You won't have any problem! Looks good!

3goodrats said...

It's coming out so cute!