Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Another Gift Done!

So I finished my mother's socks, yay!

Here they are blocking on my awesome sock forms. It seems like a million years ago I started these, but it was the beginning of November. Since I am working multiple projects that doesn't seem too terrible.

I made them out of this gorgeous purple variegated Malabrigo sock yarn that was a delight to work with and is much prettier than the picture does justice.

I am almost done with Mom's scarf too, which I just love and will have to tear away from myself to give her. It is made out of a gorgeous red soft alpaca yarn that is glorious.

Also, all the pieces of Madison's sweater are knit, now I have to tackle seaming... stay tuned!


Amy said...

Congratulations - the never ending socks are done!!! I cannot wait to see the sweater

3goodrats said...

Pretty! I am envious of your Christmas-related productivity!