Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pros and Cons of Multiple Projects

So, I am currently working on 3 projects: an Irish Hiking Hat, the Stupid Lace Scarf that Hates Me and the Hunter Socks.

I like the variety of having multiple projects going, but I find I never get into a good groove with any of them and they all seem to be going very slowly.

I am resigned to not finishing that Lace Scarf in my lifetime, but the others are really plodding along.

I don't know if it is a result of not enough knitting time in general or because I don't really get on a roll with a project so that I can knit faster. It is as if I am starting over each time I pick up a different project. Perhaps that will change when I am a more experienced knitter, but in the mean time, I feel behind all the time.


3goodrats said...

I always have multiple projects going on, and sometimes I feel this way (like right now) but usually I'll just keep shifting my focus from one project to another for long enough periods of time that I make some progress on each. It's a delicate balance!

Amy said...

I agree with 3goodrats, that's how I am. I sort of focus in on the one inspiring me the most that week or day, etc and go to town. When I get bored or frustrated, I switch things up and work on something else. I think I have 5 different WIP's right now. A world record for me.