Friday, January 21, 2011

BFF Sock Update

I totally forgot to mention on Tuesday that I used a new cast-on for my BFF Socks. Over the weekend my friend taught me the Long Tail Cast-on. Tackling those 2011 Knitting Goals early!

Now most people who only know one cast on know that one, but I didn't, I had only ever Knit On. I had read any number of books about Long Tail and could not get the hang of it, but just watching her do it a few times and I figured it out.

Cookie A recommends a Long Tail Cast-on for her sock patterns, so it was timely to learn as I was preparing to start the BFF Socks.

Here is an updated photo of those socks, it is slow going, but I am also knitting a sweater at the same time.

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