Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Baby Blanket Groweth

In just 1 week I have made some pretty sizable progress on the baby blanket for my assistant.

I continue to be very happy with the project and am now convinced I can get it to her around the birth of her child and not as a high school graduation gift for the kid.

I have 2 concerns left. First, running out of yarn. I have enough yardage and my gauge is correct, but I am nervous about running out of yarn. Mostly because I have no idea how much I will need for the edging and the pattern does not break it down.

The second concern is all the ends being woven in neatly. The pattern calls for these large skeins of yarn, so you only use 2 total. I am using little 50 g balls, so I will use 12 by the time I am done. I hate weaving in ends. Hopefully the edging will provided a good camouflage for the weaving.

Hopefully by this time next week I will be ready to start the edging!

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