Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why Did I Pick a Hobby With So Much Math Involved?

So Sunday I tore out sleeve #1 of Madison's sweater for the 2nd time and last night I cast on for the 3rd time vowing to do the increases right finally.

While reading the pattern properly is my sole responsibility, it really could be written more clearly with the math done out a little more thoroughly so I have an idea of how many stitches should be on the needle at various points and not just the starting # and the ending #, because if after 54 rows the ending # isn't right I just wasted a lot of time.

Now I could multiply and divide out the # of stitches increased over the # of rows divided again by how often I need to increase (every 3rd row until 56 stitches and then every 4th row until 64 stitches), but math is hard.

Also this pattern is written for 6 different sizes and halfway through the sizes split and where my # was the 3rd one listed for most of the pattern it suddenly becomes the first one listed when the sizes break off and I totally missed that the first time...

Thank god I started early on the holiday stuff.


ingrid said...

Sounds like a poopy pattern. Don't designers understand that knitters are usally too excited about the project of creating the object to be rational? Who reads a pattern all the way first? Who checks the designers math and instructions? Don't that have people for that?

3goodrats said...

Ok, now that is way too confusing - switching from being the 3rd number listed to being the 1st? There should be rules against that.

Amy said...

OMG....I have a great story about this...maybe I will write about that today. But yes...I need to write things out, hence why I have become a HUGE fan of Ingrid's use of excel for knitting patterns! She is a genius.